Meet The Farmers

Hello, we are the Torr family!  Welcome to Liberty Blueberry Farms!

If you've been out to the farm or driven by in the last year chances are you've seen us working outside, playing in the fields, riding bikes or sitting on the front porch.  Our family took over Liberty Blueberry Farms in the Spring of 2023.  However, our blueberry farming adventure really began in the summer of 2021 when our family came across a much smaller blueberry farm in Southwest Missouri in need of new owners.  Being Colorado natives we knew absolutely nothing about caring for blueberries.  It would be a new adventure like nothing we've done before.  It was there where we discovered our love and calling to working in the blueberries as a family.  We quickly learned what a great opportunity is was to teach our children strong values and honest work ethics.  It was hard work, but very rewarding.  Our first harvest season would teach us a very significant life lesson. God used that first summer in the bushes to show us how He provides in every season.  Every single blueberry we picked served as a reminder to thank God for His provision and faithfulness to our family. 

The plan at the time was to be self taught farmers, working seasonally in the blueberries all while keeping our regular corporate jobs and home in Colorado.  But soon after settling into a new schedule we saw that God had even bigger plans for us.  In the Spring of 2023 the opportunity to purchase and take over Liberty Blueberry Farms was presented to us.... which meant living full time on the farm.  This would also mean leaving our home and family in Colorado.  It wasn't an easy decision to make but we knew it was a leap of faith we needed to take.  We made the big move to Missouri and quickly opened the farm a month later for our first season of U-Picking.  There were many struggles and a lot didn't go as planned. We found ourselves questioning our decision and questioning God.  Yet we saw Him still providing and leading us the entire time. It's now been a full year since that big move and we are settling in well.  It was a year full of challenges and many new lessons we needed to learn.  For us, our blueberry season signals a time of hope, growth and coming together.  The berries remind us that we serve a God of abundance, not scarcity.  When we feel lacking or uncertain, we can trust that God will provide for our needs.  

When you come out to Liberty Blueberry Farms we think you will quickly see what we see.  It is a very special place.  First established in 1988 the iconic farm is rich in history and a true gem in the Farmington community.  It brings people together.  It's a place where guests can take a pause from the pressures of daily life. You will feel as though you stepped back to simpler times.  We want your families to meet, gather, pick berries, play and relax here.  We believe time on the farm is time well spent and there is nothing better for your soul than spending that time with loved ones making beautiful memories.

Like us, we believe you will feel the loved poured into this farm over the years by previous owners.  You will see why it was an important calling for our family to take over at this appointed time.  While keeping the traditions of the blueberry farm alive we also envision adding many other community activities to the farm in the future.  We want this to be a special gathering place for years to come for your family and ours.  We hope you enjoy your time at the farm and we look forward to seeing you out here soon!  If you see us when you drive by, make sure to honk!